
If you know me well, you will know how much I am an advocate of speaking gracefully to one’s husband.

I truly believe that a wife’s words hold great power over her husband, either positively or negatively. Personally, I have made a heartfelt decision never to speak ill of or unkindly to my husband. This would not be possible without the guidance of God’s Word.

To help other wives embrace graceful communication, I have compiled a collection of scriptural confessions from my “Scriptural Confession Book for Graceful Wifehood.” These confessions aim to encourage wives to speak with love, respect, and kindness.

I hope that by anchoring our words in these biblical principles, we can build stronger and more loving relationships with our husbands. Let us cherish the transformative impact of graceful communication and create an environment of love and encouragement in our marriages.

Please download it here.